segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

TED talk: "Dan Cobley: What physics taught me about marketing"

Mais um excelente TED talk que nos ajuda a pensar estrategicamente sobre o nosso negócio.

Dan Cobley, durante quase 8 minutos relaciona fisica com marketing. Clique aqui para assistir ao vídeo.

Algumas notas solta tiradas das suas palavras:

"(...) the act of observing consumers, changes their behavior"

"try to measure what consumers actually do, rather that what they say they`ll do or antecipate they`ll do."

"you cannot prove a hypothesis through observation. You can only disprove it."

"with the kind of digital comment creation and distribution tools that are avaiable now to every consumers it`s impossible to control where it goes.
your brand starts being dispersed.
it gets more chaotic.
it`s out fo your control"

"so the lesson from physics is that entropy will always increase;
it`s a fundamental law"

"the message for marketing is that your brand is more dispersed.
you can`t fight it, so embrace it and find a way to work with it"

Boas decisões e...

Abraços saudáveis

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