quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009

O exemplo IBM, como base para mudanças efectivas no Estilo de Vida dos seus colaboradores e respectivos familiares!

Relembro os meus leitores que acredito muito que as empresas são um canal privilegiado para conseguirmos melhorar os hábitos de milhões de pessoas (famílias). Como ainda por cima, sempre me considerei um comercial operacional, foi um prazer reler alguns trechos do livro "THE IBM WAY - Insights into the World`s Most Successful Marketing Organization" de Buck Rodgers (publicado em 1986):

"I`m a marketing person. A salesman. I`ve been referred to as a "salesman`s salesman", and I consider that the greatest compliment.
Watson`s tenets, (...) are uncomplicated and can be easily understood by everyone form the CEO`s office to the mailroom. They are:

1. The individual must be respected.
2. The customer must be given the best possible service.
3. Excellence and superior performance must be pursued

(...) Watson`s philosophy has more to do with the company`s sucess than do its technological innovations, marketing skills or financial resources. (...) Principles, tough, can quickly become empty slogans. They`re like muscles that turn soft and weak if they`re not exercised regularly.

The individual must be respected. No one can be against this.
At least, no one would admit to it.
"[Tom Watson] I want the IBM salesman to be lookedup to. Admired. I want their wives and children to be proud of them. I dont`t want their mothers to feel that theyhave to apologize for them when asked what their sons are doing."
His early emphasis on human relations was not motivated by altruism alone, (...)"by the simple belief that if we respected our people and helped them respect themselves, the company would certainly profit."
there are no titles on any doors or desks, no bathrooms designed for "executive use only", no reserved parking spaces, no executive dining room. All in all, it`s a very democratic environment, where everyone is treated with the same respect.
IBM strives to be a responsible corporate citizen.
IBM`s attitude toward the individual extends far beyond company headquarters.(...)"

Tenho a certeza que empresas que mais do que pensar, agem desta forma, estão muito perto de dar um salto qualitativo e conseguirem de um jeito, como alguém dizia, simples, divertido e criativo, levar os seus colaboradores e respectivos familiares, a melhorarem o seu Estilo de Vida, com todo o impacto directo e indirecto nos resultados das primeiras!

Abraços saudáveis

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